If you frequently use Google Chrome on your Windows 11 machine, you may have noticed that it can become sluggish, especially when multiple tabs are open. This is often due to high memory usage from inactive tabs, which can slow down your browsing experience. Fortunately, Chrome has a feature called Memory Saver that helps manage resources more efficiently. By enabling this feature, inactive tabs will be suspended to free up memory, allowing your active tabs and applications to run smoother and faster. This tutorial will guide you through the process of enabling Memory Saver in Chrome, ensuring you get the most out of your browser.

Step 1: Open Google Chrome

To get started, the first step is to launch Google Chrome. Locate the Chrome icon on your desktop or taskbar and double-click to open it. If it’s not installed, you can download it from Google Chrome’s official website.

Step 2: Access Chrome Settings

Once Chrome is open, you’ll need to navigate to the settings menu. Click on the three dots located in the top-right corner of the browser window. This will reveal a dropdown menu. From this menu, select Settings to proceed to the settings page. If you need to access specific options later, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + , to quickly open the settings.

Step 3: Navigate to Performance Settings

On the settings page, look for the menu on the left side. Here, you will want to choose Performance. This section is specifically designed to help you manage Chrome’s efficiency. Once selected, you will find options related to memory usage.

Step 4: Enable Memory Saver

Under the Memory section of the performance settings, locate the toggle switch for the Memory Saver option. Click the toggle to turn it on. This action will enable the Memory Saver feature, which automatically frees up memory from inactive tabs. It’s an essential step to ensure Chrome operates effectively, especially under heavy workloads.

Step 5: Choose Your Preferred Setting

After enabling Memory Saver, you will be prompted to select one of three settings for how and when inactive tabs should be suspended:

  • Moderate: Inactivates tabs after a longer period of inactivity.
  • Balanced: Inactivates tabs after an optimal period, providing a good compromise between performance and accessibility.
  • Maximum: Inactivates tabs after a shorter period, ideal for users who prioritize speed over access to open tabs.

I recommend selecting the Balanced option as it generally offers the best overall performance without sacrificing too much convenience.

Extra Tips & Common Issues

After enabling Memory Saver, you may want to keep an eye on your browsing experience. If you find that tabs are being suspended too frequently, consider switching to the Moderate setting for a more lenient approach. Additionally, if Chrome does not respond as expected after making changes, restart your browser to ensure all settings take effect smoothly. Remember that some web applications may experience slight delays when reloading suspended tabs.


Enabling Memory Saver in Google Chrome is a simple yet effective way to enhance your browsing experience on Windows 11. By managing memory more efficiently, it allows you to maintain speed and responsiveness, especially during heavy usage. Don’t forget to explore other settings and features in Chrome to optimize your browsing experience even further.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I disable Memory Saver later?

Yes, if you find that Memory Saver affects your workflow negatively, you can return to the performance settings and toggle it off anytime.

Will this feature help with all Chrome issues?

Memory Saver primarily addresses memory usage but may not resolve other performance issues. If Chrome is still slow, consider checking for updates or disabling unused extensions.

Is Memory Saver available on all devices?

This feature is specifically designed for the desktop version of Google Chrome and is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Mobile versions may have different resource management systems.

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